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Our Missionaries*

*Several of our missionaries serve in sensitive locations and can not be named on this website

Jonathon and Maggie Hunter    

United World Mission

Serving MKs and TCKs in San Jose, Costa Rica. Would you join us in praying for students to see that the God of the Bible is worthy of their lifelong praise and devotion? For if we are not an instrument in His hand for this, then we are all wasting our time. So please, pray for this, the Lord to give growth to every seed we plant and harvest to the glory of God. 

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Amy Wichterman

RBM Ministries, INC.

"...Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16. When I am not teaching Released Time Bible Classes, I enjoy spending time with my family and doing outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, biking and cross country skiing. I am very involved with the Children’s Ministries at my home church, Calvary Baptist in Pennfield. I am also a licensed foster parent and have children in my home on and off throughout the year. I enjoy volunteering at Camp Barakel and go there often.

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Eugene and Vicka Lempert

Chosen People Ministries Jerusalem

Eugene is serving as project coordinator and assistant to the Director of the Israeli branch of Chosen People Ministries, Beit Sar Shalom (the House of the Prince of Peace). He resides with his loving wife and ministry partner, Victoria, and their three daughters, Sara, Dana and Naomi, just a 30-minute walk from the top of Mount Zion. Both Eugene and Victoria were born in different parts of the FSU (Eugene in the Ukraine and Victoria in Belarus). Both were raised in atheistic Jewish families. They neither believed in God nor considered Jesus (Yeshua) to be anyone but a Jewish teacher who lived and died long ago nor realized that God had a plan for the both of them. Eugene immigrated to Israel in 1991. On the way to Israel he was given a free Bible. He decided to read the book in order to find out more about the history of the Jewish people but was very careful to avoid reading the New Testament. While in Jerusalem, a spiritual experience led Eugene to read the “Christian” part of the Bible. To his surprise he found this book was not antisemitic, as he had believed, but was written almost entirely by the Jews, for the Jews, and about the Jewish Messiah.

After several years of searching through the Tanach (the Old Testament), trying to live a godly life, and falling short of following the standard he thought every believer in God should live, Eugene asked Yeshua to come into his life and help him to live a life honoring to God. At the same time while visiting her family in Belarus, Victoria also became a follower of Yeshua. Later, she returned to Israel where she and Eugene met at a congregation in Jaffa where Eugene was serving the Lord. After a period of time they were married. After much prayer Eugene and Victoria realized that God had called them to full-time ministry. They came to the US and studied at Moody Bible Institute. Eugene graduated in 2007 and was then accepted to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where he studied for his MA in Biblical Archaeology. Eugene and Victoria returned to Israel in early 2010. Since then they have served in various ministries involving food distribution, congregational work, ministry among Holocaust survivors, and organizing /leading biblical tours for different churches from all around the world. The Lemperts do not waste any opportunity to share the Gospel with those God sends their way. It is their hope to soon be able to start a new home Bible study which will eventually grow into a new Messianic congregation in Jerusalem.

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Dennis and Lydia Bowen

Ripe For Harvest World Outreach

Dennis and Lydia Bowen will soon celebrate 20 years in the Former Soviet Union, first in Russia and then in Ukraine. Dennis is a clinical psychologist and Lydia is a nurse. We have been blessed with a team of 9 Christian counselors in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2006 their ministry was registered as a religious mission, Восхождение. In 2010 we purchased a small office in Kyiv that is the site for our internship training and also a two year modular program of 8 courses in Christian counseling. Our counselors provide individual, marital and family counseling for children and adults. Since Russia’s war with Ukraine, we’ve been involved in counseling refugees, soldiers at a military hospital, and young widows of soldiers and their families.

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